Food and marketing

Show notes

This episode is about the importance of food in daily life. It is also about what does the term tradition mean; how food is a part of our personal behavior on what we understand as tradition; how producers use history of food to produce local food; why young people choose to be entrepreneurs of local food production referring to the history of traditional food production.

The episode includes a 15 minutes discussion with a Cypriot young entrepreneur, Demetris Demetriou, in the field of honey production. The discussion covers his experience in the food industry and his personal opinions about how food options are related to the history of food production and how food affects the way people select their eating options. This leads over to the question how social media affect our behavior on selecting traditional food.

Greek with some use of Cypriot dialect.

Taste of Harmony is an cooperation project of six adult education organistions from six European countries. The project was funded 2020-2022 through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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