Food Holidays in the USA with Annakiska

Show notes

"Annakiska is an English teacher from the USA. She lives now in Hannover, Germany. In this podcast episode she tells us about all the different ""food holidays"" throughout the year in the US, especially in those parts of society that have a catholic cultural background.

This episode is also great for training your listening comprehension of American English. Annakiska, as an English teacher from the US, has a very fine pronunciation. As she uses native English vocabulary, there are a lot of words from everyday US English that however will hardly be met in standard textbooks.

You will learn what BYOB means, what a gumbo is, a cookie swap, the tradition of hold back on Christmas eve, a dollop of ice cream, and you will hear Annakiska speaking about a dish of seven different types of fish.

Language of this episode: English

Taste of Harmony is an cooperation project of six adult education organistions from six European countries. The project was funded 2020-2022 through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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